I know there are links at the bottom of several pages herein inviting abuse. Some of these links even lead to an email address that works. I never really expected anyone to use them; in fact, I never really expected anyone to find this page, and thus was I most pleasantly surprised when I received feedback (we will use the loose definition here) from a variety of individuals with whom I had never made prior contact. Somehow my words are reaching the public. How is this happening? Somewhere, somehow, someone out there must have linked to my homepage - and there's one of the seven mysteries of the modern world.

Because this page really stinks, I tend to push it towards the back of my mind lest the knowledge of its existence tamper to greater extent with my all-too-tenuous grasp on sanity. Yet every couple of months, and ofttimes closer between, the peons taunt me and raise again the fires of hell by sending me, of all things, feedback (see above annotation) and dragging forth the memory of this virtual tragedy. In these moments I shudder and realise that hope is indeed a mere illusion.

So what sort of tribute would a shrine like this invite? Of course we have the rather gauche "complaining and swearing" routine, ie. "Fuck shit cunt wanker!" ad infinitum and etcetera, proving that millions of years of evolution have done, on the whole, not very much for the average human being(we will also use this term loosely)'s level of perspicacity. To all you serfs of limited imagination, I beg you - if you intend to waste all that time replying in such fashion, expand your vocabulary instead by picking up a dictionary and not putting it down until you have increased your spectrum of verbal knowledge two-fold. This will probably take place after you have ploughed your way through a section as immense as that devoted to words beginning with "X" - and then please feel free to open your mailer and take those first tentative and delicate steps into the world of semi-literacy. Hold my hand. It's okay.
(If you are not a native speaker of the English language, I forgive you; you may instead abuse me in a foreign language, complete with translation. I am, after all, open-minded.)

Note also the religious fanatic and the not-so-religious fanatic telling me of all things that I am a "disturbed individual" and "must find an inner peace". Thanks to these for their superb demonstration of high-calibre psychoanalytical prowess and advanced cult conversion technical expertise.

Let us not leave lying those who have complimented my homepage warmly, enthusiastically and, most strangely of all, with an utter lack of sarcasm. I fear for these callow souls, who have my deepest sympathies as they crawl blindly through an alien world of bitter delusion.

Finally, I give you "Bobby Norton". Ah, sweet prodigy, I call rest blithe, for mine is the sleep of those who know genius lives yet on in this jaded age. Dearest friends, I abandon you here as you traipse through an electronic maze of treachery, deceit, passion and cruelty, love, honour and greatest of all - salvation. His major 20th-century works are transcribed below; go now, gentle seeker; be strong, and prevail.

Bobby Norton - collected works.

It's insight like this that really makes my day.